It is quite hard what to take for camping if you are going to have the first experience with camping. And even for those who are very used to it, it surely has already happened to get to the camping place and realize you have forgotten a detail that makes a lot of difference, like a flashlight or a lighter.
We love to be in the nature and believe it is possible be comfortable around there, you just need the right items! So after years of camping experience, we have made a complete list with what to take for camping.
Keep on reading to find:
Camping Checklist – Essential items
Camping in Pitumarca, Peru (Image: Local Planet)
The more compact and lightweight, the better! Specially if you’re going to make trails or long walks to get to the place you’re going to camp.
Sleeping Mat
The sleeping mat is used to lay down on it, thereby you maintain your body temperature far from the cold floor, besides it provides a little bit of comfort. If you have left space in your bag and like some privilege, the airbed will do the same.
Sleeping Bag
Since it’s lightweight and warm, the sleeping bag is very practical. I recommend the purchase even for those who aren’t going to camp a lot, because it can also be used on bus or plane trips, take it to hostels – I’m crazy for sleeping bags, I confess! If you don’t want to invest that money, a blanket is a great substitute.
Headlamp or flashlight
Headlamp is a small flashlight, tied in a rubber band, to wear around your head. It’s very convenient because it leaves your hands free, it’s very used for walkings and also for cooking at the camping at night. In case you don’t have it, the flashlight is a good workaround![/vc_column_text]

Images: Trekkingrs / Local Planet
Remember to take extra battery for the headlight or flashlight as a stockpile. We recommend rechargeable batteries, since the cost-benefit is worth it, as well as it helps leaving less trash in the environment.
Repellent and sunblock
I recommend repellent specially for the sunset time, when the mosquitoes come out. There’s no need to comment about the sun block, right?
Toilet paper and alcohol gel
Toilet paper is indispensable, as long as even structured campings can run out of toilet paper in the bathrooms. The tip is to take with you only the necessary quantity, since a whole roll is bulky. So take a roll that’s already in use and make a smaller roll.
The alcohol gel is to clean your hands and a small tube will do the job.
Camping Checklist – Optional Items
Going to camp and climb in Socaire – Chile, with a cargo backpack (Image: Local Planet)
Cargo backpack
If you need to walk to get to the camping place, you can take whatever you need in a practical and comfortable way in the cargo backpack.
Ground Cloth
Traditional, bought at a packaging store, it will be handy to place under the tent. In case of rain, there’s no risk the water gets under the tent and soaks up through the floor. Attention! A very important tip is to have the cloth a bit smaller than the base of the tent, to avoid the puddling.
The sarong is the new towel of The Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy book. It’s the “Joker” item in the bag, which can be used to have a picnic, use as a towel, sheet, or whatever you creativity allows.
Fitted sheet
A bit bulky, but it’s very comfortable. We recommend specially for couples that are going on a camping, to wear around the both sleeping mats and get a double bed – romantic, huh! I like it because the skin doesn’t sticks on the sleeping mat fabric.
I like to take a pillowcase or a small fabric bag to work as a pillow, so I fill in with some clean clothes and can sleep more comfortably.
Soap and rope to clothesline
For those who are going to stay longer and need to wash the clothes, it is nice to take a piece of white soap, which is less pollutant.
Images: Local Planet
Dromedary Bag
Special bag to hang, to make it easier to cook, wash the dishes and even helping out to take a shower (specially in places where the water source is too exposed).
Net to use as carpet
This is innovation we took on our last campíng. A piece of net (mosquito net or tulle fabric for clothing), to place on the door of your tent. Something simple, to clean your feet before entering the tent and keep it cleaner. Mainly if you are going to camp on the beach, it’s a good choice!
Special hammocks for camping, compacts and lightweight. We have one of those and care it everywhere we go!
Sound box
Some music around the fire is always great.We like to take that small and portable sound boxes.
- Also read our post about what food to take for camping.
Camping Checklist – Essential Items to Cook
Cozinhando na nossa camper, na Ruta 40 – Argentina (Imagem: Local Planet)
We like to take:
- 1 Pan for solid food – rice, pasta
- 1 Pan for sauces – tomato, beans, soup
- 1 Pan for water – to prepare coffee or speed up other food cooking
One individual kit containing plastic items in preference, that are lighter:
- 1 Plate
- 1 Fork, knife, spoon
- 1 Glass
Knife to cut food
At least one sharper knife to cut food is always useful.
Coffee filter
It can be that traditional plastic coffee filter or proper to camping, bought in specialized outdoor stores.
Images: Local Planet
Dish cloth
We like to use microfiber cloth, that dries faster. You find it in supermarkets or shops of house utensils.
Sponge and soap
Cut one traditional soap in half and take a piece of soap to wash the dishes.
To ideal way to make fire is buying some items in an specialized store:
- 1 or 2 Camp stove – 1 is enough, but 2 speed up the prepare of the meals
- 1 or 2 Liquinhos – small gas cylinder, specific for camping (when the liquid ends, it’s necessary to buy a new one)
- 2 lighters – 1 as a stockpile
Camping Checklist – Optional Items to Cook
Images: Local Planet
Plastic bags
Ziplock style bags are good to put leftovers away or separate the snacks for the next day attempt, whether on a walking or other sport.
Prefer those cooler made of fabric, lightweight and compacts. It will be handy to stock food that spoil fast, like meat and cheese.
Thermal Bottle
One of those small ones, so you can have hot coffee or tea for longer and even take it with you on walkings.
Box to stock food
If you’re going to camp next to the car, it’s worth taking a plastic box to keep things organized and protected from insects or animals.
Camping Checklist for Download
To make easier the process of buying or borrowing what’s left to take for camping, we have created a list for you to save, with all the items we listed here in the post:
To download: click with the right button of the mouse in the image above, so click in “Save image as…” and then in the “Save” button
Camping is so good… being outside, in contact with nature, seeing stars, listening to birds singing. With the right accessories you can enjoy all of this with comfort. So we hope this list can help you a lot. Have a good camping!
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