Since it is as big as an entire continent, there is a great diversity of Brazil destinations according to different styles of travellers:
From those who love nature and adventure to gastronomy and cultural programs lovers.
Check our complete list or click on your favorite styles:
Beaches: Brazil Destinations

Natural swimming pools of Porto de Galinhas / Farol Beach in Arraial do Cabo (Photos: Thiago Cavalcanti / Viagens e Caminhos)
Beaches are one of the most loved destinations in Brazil. We have more than 7 thousand km of seashore and some of the most beautiful beaches of the world – including crystal clear water and white sand.
Among the most known ones are the beaches in the Northeast, with hotter waters. Combined with the hot weather of the region, they can be enjoyed at any time of the year.
The Southern beaches are bathed by the ocean currents from Antarctica and that’s why they are usually colder (but also unmissable!). The best time of the year for these ones are from October to May, when the temperatures get higher.
Among the main beaches of Brazil are:
- Porto de Galinhas – Pernambuco
- Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro
- Florianópolis – Santa Catarina
- São Miguel dos Milagres – Alagoas
- Fernando de Noronha – Pernambuco
- Ilhabela – São Paulo
- Arraial do Cabo – Rio de Janeiro
- Trancoso – Bahia
- Península de Maraú – Bahia
Ecotourism: Brazil Destination
Brazil isn’t made only of seashore! The interior part also has many natural destinations bursting with rivers, waterfalls, canyons, caverns, natural swimming pools and a diversified and rich fauna and flora.
The lush nature of Brazil also give rise to several National Parks: 71 altogether. Among the main of them is Iguazu National Park, managed by Chico Mendes Institute of Preservation of the Biodiversity and that is home for the imposing Iguazu Falls. The other 70 are spread around all the Brazilian territory and exhibit untouchable native forest, waterfalls, mountains, among other natural items.
Several plateaus also take part in the Brazilian National Parks scene. Among the mais are Veadeiros Plateau (Chapada dos Veadeiros), Guimarães Plateau (Chapada dos Guimarães), Diamantina Plateau (Chapada Diamantina), that compete among themselves in the beauty issue, housing beautiful waterfalls, rocks, caverns and much more.
The main Brazil destinations for nature and ecotourism are:
- Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná
- Bonito – Mato Grosso do Sul
- Chapada dos Guimarães – Mato Grosso
- Chapada dos Veadeiros – Goiás
- Chapada Diamantina – Bahia
- Amazônia – Norte do Brasil
- Lençóis Maranhenses – Maranhão
Mountains: Brazil Destinations

Serra dos Órgãos National Park / Marumbi Peak (Photos: Wikipedia / Calango Expedições)
Brazil has also many marvelous mountains, perfect for the ones who love doing trekkings, practice rock climbing and other sports.
Some of the most classical rock climbings in Brazil are at Marumbi, Anhangava, Dedo de Deus, Agulha do Diabo, Serra do Cipó and Pedra Riscada.
For those who enjoy doing trails, there are Vale do Parati Crossing, Monte Roraima Trekking, Serra Fina Crossing, Aparados da Serra Crossing, trekking in Lençóis Maranhenses and many others.
Main destinations with mountains in Brazil:
- Serra dos Órgãos – Rio de Janeiro
- São Bento do Sapucaí – São Paulo
- Monte Roraima – Roraima
- Pedra Riscada: Minas Gerais
- Marumbi – Paraná
- Pico Paraná – Paraná
- Pedra Azul – Espírito Santo
- Agulhas Negras – Rio de Janeiro
Waterfalls: Brazil Destinations
Also plentiful in Brazil, we have waterfalls from North to South and of the most diversified sizes: from the smaller one, perfect for a refreshing bathing, until the higher ones, that create a beautiful spectacle.
The most popular are the Iguazu Falls – a gorgeous group of 275 waterfalls, that in spite of not being able to bathe, has a sight and energy that you will never forget.
Santa Bárbara waterfall, in Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás, is less famous, but is also amazing. It stands out for its crystal clear water, in the blue-greenish tone.
The main destinations with waterfalls in Brazil are:
- Taquaruçu – Tocantins
- Brotas – São Paulo
- Serra da Canastra – Minas Gerais
- Presidente Figueiredo – Amazonas
- Serra do Cipó – Minas Gerais
- Pirenópolis – Goiás
- Jalapão – Tocantins
- Visconde de Mauá – Rio de Janeiro
- Corupá – Santa Catarina
- Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul
- Urubici – Santa Catarina
- Chapada das Mesas – Maranhão
Gastronomy: Brazil Destinations

Acarajé baiano (from Bahia) / Frango com quiabo (chicken with okra) (Fotos: Curta Mais /
With the influence of people from different nations of the world, Brazil has a tasty and diversified culinary.
Among the Brazilian classical ones are feijoada (a special dish made with beans and pork meat) and churrasco (barbecue). But every region has a typical and different gastronomy:
Acarajé in Bahia, typical fruits from the Amazon forest (like açaí, cupuaçu and tucumã), maniçoba, Gurijuba e caruru in the North of Brazil, farm food prepared in the wood burning stove in Minas Gerais and the culinary with European influences in the South.
Among the main destination to taste Brazilian culinary are:
- Vale dos Vinhedos – Rio Grande do Sul
- Morretes – Paraná
- São Paulo – São Paulo
- Ouro Preto – Minas Gerais
- Salvador – Bahia
- Paraty – Rio de Janeiro
- Belém – Pará
- Pirenópolis – Goiás
History: Brazil Destinations
For the history lovers, some cities of Brazil offer a perfect scene to appreciate and experience the past of Brazil, with buildings that remain untouchable since the last centuries.
The architecture from the colonial period and the cobblestone streets of some destinations make the visitors feel like travelling throughout time and get to know our roots.
Some of the main historical destinations of Brazil are:
- Salvador – Bahia
- Paraty – Rio de Janeiro
- Tiradentes – Minas Gerais
- Ouro Preto – Minas Gerais
- Olinda – Recife
- Porto Seguro – Bahia
- São Luís – Maranhão
Culture: Brazil Destinations
Brazil is a country with diversified cultures. The way of living, expressing oneself through arts and music can be seen in several places of the country.
But some destinations can bring together these characteristics in a very noticeable way, with festivals, street artists, music and many programs.
Among the main Brazil destinations to appreciate culture are:
- São Paulo – São Paulo
- Curitiba – Paraná
- Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro
- Brasília – Distrito Federal
- Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul
- Salvador – Bahia
- São Luís – Maranhão
- São Raimundo Nonato – Piauí
- Parintins – Amazonas
Difficult is to choose where to begin! The dream of the Local Planet team is to visit each one of these places, but for now we have explored more the South and Southeast regions, that are closer from where we live.
We hope this list inspire other travellers to explore Brazil, this country that we love so much.
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