Live or visit the Triple Border means having options of things to do in three different countries: Foz do Iguassu in Brazil, Puerto Iguazú in Argentina and Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. The three cities are at about 20 Km far from each other and there are many options of bars and dancing clubs.

I have put in this list places I enjoy the most and some others – cool as well – recommended by friends. There were people from the three cities giving their advices, so it ended up very well! (:

It’s worth saying that we enjoy best “B-side” places (places that aren’t the most popular; alternative), so, if you prefer other styles you may not find what you’re looking for down here. But if you like different places, dive bars, live music, culrural programs and parties at hostels, you will enjoy this list!

Keep on reading to check a list (last updated in 27/04/2017) with the best bars and nightclubs of Foz do Iguassu and the border cities:


1. Zeppelin Old Bar

Bar foz do Iguaçu - Zeppelin Old Bar
Image: Agostinho Ramos

Foz do Iguassu – Brazil

#Party #LiveMusic #CulturalPrograms #DJ

Major Raul de Mattos Street | +55 (45) 3523-1804 | Facebook

Zeppelin is the favorite bar of many people in Foz do Iguassu. Nice climate, friendly staff, the people who go there is cool and there’s always good music: local bands and from other cities, pressentations, cultural events and parties with DJs on Wednesdays.

On the menu you’ll find beer in bottles, long neck especial beers, cocktails, appetizers and some dishes – everything very tasty! For the veggies there are fried balls of cheese that comes with a pepper jelly to accompany. It’s worth it to keep an eye on their agenda – there are always different programs and some days with special sales.


2. Eden Steak Garden Choperia

Foz do Iguaçu – Brasil

#Bar #HandmadeChopp #Meat #Appetizers

Price: $$$ | 480, Cataratas Avenue | +55 (45) 3027-5599 | 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. | Facebook

There is a new bar in the area! Opened in april of 2017, Eden is a mix of a german beer garden with beer factory. The environment is beautiful: open-air, with container bar, lots of lights and graffitis.

The specialties are chopps, that are named after the bar and are produced in Maringá – PR: witbeer, weizen, red ale, ipa and pilsen are some of the offered options. To eat, there are rustic fries, german sausages, ceviche and many meat options.  


3. Cervejário

Cervejário, loja e bar em Foz do Iguaçu

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil

#ToHaveADrink #Beer #Chopp

438, Cataratas Avenue – Room 01 | +55 (45) 3028-8805 | Facebook

A store of special beers, with tables and a counter so you can taste it there. There are shelves with labels from all over the world and the #know-it-all about beer staff attracts the beer lovers on duty. They also offer two options of Chopp that are usually substituted to a different type from time to time.       

I recommend to try the chopps and at least one of the special beers. My favorite are Chimmay Bleu and Delirium Tremens, two full-bodied beers from Belgica. If tou like bitter beers, the IPAs are the best choices. Just get there and ask for more suggestions to Tiago and the Cervejário team.


4. Arcade Game Bar

Arcade Game Bar - Foz do Iguaçu
Image: fanpage Arcade Game Bar

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil

#VideoGame #ToHaveADrink

1032, Rui Barbosa Street | +55 (45) 3027-0142 | Facebook

In Arcade there are consoles available for the guys to play charge-free – like the PS4 – and a bar with beer, chopp, and many cocktails – everything at a friendly price. What about playing videogames with the brothers while having a drink at cool bar? That’s it, it is possible to be geek and cool at the same time. Hehe!  

There isn’t food in the bar, but on block away there’s Til Gil, a place that serves snacks at a friendly price.


5. Argentina Market

Feirinha na Argentina Puerto Iguazu
Image: Marcelle Ribeiro

Puerto Iguazu – Argentina

#HaveABeer #ABiteToEat #BuyingGoods

3370, Feliz de Azara y Av. Brasil | Facebook

The place is very attended by tourists and Brazilians from Foz do Iguassu. The Barraca da Miriam (Mirian’s Shack) is very famous for its delicious empanadas (small patties) and cold beer. Cold cut borders are also a great order! The place is always full, specially on the hot weekends. There you can also buy somr goods to bring home, as milk caramel sauce, olives, wine, salami and the traditional alfajor.

One of my tips is to change the Reals to Argentinian Pesos before getting to the Fair. The exchange is worth it!


6. Medusa Pub

Medusa Pub - Bar Foz do Iguaçu
Image: Fanpage Medusa Pub

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil

#GoodCocktails #ChoppAndBeer #GayFriendly #PetFriendly

1333, Mato Grosso Street – Room 02 | +55 (45) 99931-2742 | Facebook

The place is small, but with a cool decoration and a great area for smokers. The songs played there are very good and the cocktails are very tasty and with names in the #girlpower style like “Like a Virgin”, “Run the World” and there’s even a shot named “Menstruação” (Period, in portuguese).

The bar is pet friendly and the prices are good! There are always theme parties and karaokê nights.


7. Europa Bar

Europa Bar em Foz do Iguaçu

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil

#ToHaveADrink #GoodCocktails #GayFriendly

693, Jorge Schimmelpfeng Avenue | +55 (45) 99922-7108 | Facebook

Cherished bar for the cult and hype guys of Foz do Iguassu, Europa Bar is specialized in cocktails and shots – with a lot of options for both! From time to time there’s a karaokê going on there, what ends up in really good fun!

The owner is Spanish and is usually behind the counter preparing the drinks. Some of the options are chopp, mojito, white russian, sangria jar a shot named Cérebro (brain, in portuguese), wich is the bar’s signature shot.

Recently has opened a second Europa Bar, located ar 40, Rosa Cirilo de Castro Street (in front of Ono).


8. Sudaca’s Bar

Image: Fan Page Sudaca’s Bar

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil

#LatinCulture #Beer #DifferentPrograms

1106, República Argentina Avenue | +55 (45) 3027-3994 | Facebook

In a laid-back environment, Sudaca’s Bar bring together citizens and visitors that love the South American culture in the center of Foz do Iguassu. The tip is to keep an eye on the week programming that always counts with music and attractions with the latin theme to get people together.

Alternative films presentations and debates also take place in the programs the bar organizes. It’s served only drinks, but, for the ravenous, there is frequently a food truck parked right in front of the establishment.


9. Brook Iguazu

Balada na Argentina - Brook
Image: Click Foz do Iguaçu

Puerto Iguazu – Argentina

#Nightclub #ToDance

350, Tres Fronteras Avenue | +54 11 5182-5398 | Facebook

The nightclub has an open air dance floor and, around the floor, on the upper space, are the VIPs. The place plays everything – from eletronic music to brazilian funk and country.

The bar serves beer, cocktails and water. You can also rent narguiles to smoke with friends on the dance floor or on the VIP place. Besides, at Argetinian dance clubs, the cigarette is still allowed inside the establishments.


10. Cuba Libre Disco

Balada Argentina - Cuba Libre

Puerto Iguazu – Argentina

#ToDance #ToLaugh #GayFriendly

On the corner of Brazil and Paraguay Avenues – Next to the Fair | +54 9 3757 52-8984 | Facebook

One of the most popular nightclubs of Puerto Iguazu, the place has three distincts dance floors divided by music styles: reaggaeton/funk, eletronics and country/pagode. The parties usually start after midnight (Argentinian time) and the night’s best happens around 2a.m..

They serve some brazilian and imported beer – besides cocktails – and there’s a bar in each floor. The music isn’t always the best, so it’s a place to dance and laugh a lot (some people even adventure themselves at the pole dance). When the external floor is open, where usually is played eletronic, it looks like an apart party and the GLBTS guys usually enjoy it.


11. Liverpool Pub

Bar Paraguai - Liverpool Pub
Image: Fanpage Liverpool Pub

Ciudad del Este – Paraguai

#LiveMusic #GoodVibes

12 de Junio Street, Barrio Boqueron | +595 61 505678 | Facebook

Peaceful place to speak with friends, with live music at an open air space. Serves beer, cocktails and appetizers, besides having a snooker table.


12. Hostel Tetris

Hostel Tetris em Foz do Iguaçu
Image: Hostel World

Foz do Iguacu – Brazil
#HappyHour #Sunset #PoolParty

639, Cataratas Avenue | +55 :(45) 9803-0041 | Facebook

Tetris is the biggest hostel made of containers in the world and the project was accomplished with a lot of creativity, so the place is very charming! The bar is placed on an external area and serves chopp, beers and cocktails, wich are the specialty of the house. Ralf, one of the owners recommends the Tetris Island Iced Tea and Maracujack.

On Thursdays, there is usually a food truck and more local people are around. And also, the swimming pool is open to everyone. Who isn’t a guest, the daily fare is around R$15.


13. Hostel Poesia

Hostel Poesia em Foz do Iguaçu
Imagens: TripAdvisor

Foz do Iguassu – Brazil

#Parties #GoodVibes

452, Papoulas Street | +55 (45) 3572-8397 | Facebook

The hostel has a bar on the ground floor that serves cocktails, beer and brazilian snacks, like cheesebread and tapioca. Sometimes there are parties with local bands or DJs, and many people of the city go there.

The external area is very pleasant to chitchat and it’s great going even when there isn’t a party going on. Try the caipirinha of lemon with brown sugar and of tangerine with pepper jelly (kind of sweet, but exotic).


14. Hostel Bambu

Hostel Bambu em Foz do Iguaçu
Images: Bambu Hostels

Foz do Iguassu – Brazil

#GoodVibes #LiveMusic

621, Edmundo de Barros Street | +55 (45) 3523-3646 | Facebook

The bar in Hostel Bmbu is open every day, from 4p.m. until midnight for guests, tourists and the people in general. It is placed in an external area – near the pool – and serves beer and cocktails. On some of the Sundays there are special programs, with bands from Foz do Iguassu making an acoustic sound. Good place to chat and also meet people from all over the world.


15. Pub e Hostel Crawl

Pub Crawl Iguazu Brazil
Image: Fanpage Pub Crawl

Foz do Iguassu – Brazil

#Guys #Foreigners #Bars #Parties

621, Edmundo de Barros Street | (45) 3523-3646 |  Facebook

A tour going through many hostels and bars in Foz do Iguassu. The big part of the people that go on this are the hostels’ guests – so they’re usually from other country – mas people in the city enjoy it too. It is a funny experience to meet people from everywhere and for those who enjoy drinking, because they usually do games worthing shots and give discounts on drinks.


Have other suggestions of bars, nightclubs or parties on the B-side of the border? Just tell us on your comment!


Oi! Sou co-fundadora do Local Planet e diretora da Enlink, agência de marketing digital. Nascida e criada em Foz do Iguaçu - PR, pratico escalada em rocha e corrida de rua, sou DJ no Brothas N Sista, fã de alimentação saudável e programações culturais.